Friday - 28 March 2025 | Ard Easmuinn, Dundalk, Co. Louth, Ireland |
News Update |
Parish Clergy: V. Rev. Mark O’Hagan, PP, VF Rev. Stephen Wilson, CC. Assisted by: Rev. Callum Young CC. V. Rev. Michael Murtagh, PE, AP St Patrick's Day Mass time will be the same as Sundays in St Patrick's, St Nicholas', Holy Family & Holy Redeemer Churches. There will be no vigil on the Sunday.
MASS TIMES IN OUR CHURCH:- Saturday Evening Vigil: 6.00pm. Sundays: 10.00am & 11.30am. Weekdays: Monday - Wednesday: 10.00am Liturgy Service with Communion. Thursday, Friday & Saturday: 10.00am. Holy Days: 10.00am. Confessions: Saturdays 5.15pm - 5.45pm.
Confirmation Dates 2025
St Brigid's School - 16th May @ 1.00pm Redeemer Boys & Girls Schools - 24th May
@ 11.00am
First Holy Communion Dates 2025
Redeemer Boys & Girls Schools - 30th May @ 11.00am
A HUGE THANK YOU to gerry On behalf of the Parish Pastoral Council, all the clergy, past and present and all parishioners, we wish to extend our sincere gratitude to our Sacristan Gerry Faulkner, who has retired this week. Gerry has served this parish over the last 40 years. During his time Gerry served on our first Parish Pastoral Council, as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, Church collector and numerous other tasks as required. Gerry has served for the last 9 years as our Church Sacristan, a role which he carried out with enormous diligence and faith. We wish Gerry a very happy retirement filled with many blessings. We would like to welcome our new Sacristan Sinéad Leahy and wish her all the best as she serves our parish in this role.
To view Synod Launch - Pastoral Letter click here Universal Synod consultation link:-
Prayer of the Synod We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name. With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts; Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it. We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder. Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions. Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right. All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever. Amen.
In Holy Redeemer Parish we encourage and welcome active participation from all parishioners. This is your parish, you belong here and your role is significant to its life and survival. We encourage all, young and old to actively participate in the liturgies and upkeep of the Church. Yours are the eyes through which he looks with compassion on this world. You can take part in any number of ministries which we have. Become more involved by saying yes and signing up for at least one ministry. You have many gifts and talents which God has given to you, so don't be shy and share them with your parish. Like colours of the rainbow each Ministry adds light, life and beauty to our Church. We provide training and information for all ministries, so don't think you won't know what to do as we will help you along the way. It's great to be part of a team and ministry is an excellent way to participate as a member of a team and provide and an essential service to your faith community. Remember we are all called to serve not to be served. Each ministry has its own unique gifts and characteristics; each ministry challenges us in a different way. It's not easy for some people to be in the public eye but the challenge brings with it its own rewards and graces. There are many ministries which you may consider joining, Eucharistic Minister, Reader, Altar Server, Altar Society, Music Ministry and Choir, Dues Collectors, Distributors, Legion of Mary to name but a few. Remember that no ministry is greater or above another, all are parts working together in harmony. Be brave and say Yes! Simply contact the parish office or any of the priests and let us do the rest. Let me finish with a words from St. Teresa of Avila "Christ has no body but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. " For a map and directions to the church of The Holy Redeemer from your location click here
Click here for directions to Holy Redeemer Church from M1 Dublin
Safeguarding Children Policies Holy Redeemer Parish is implementing all of the guidelines in relation to Safeguarding Children, and these can be found by clicking here. The website for the Catholic Bishops has resource material for all those who might be affected by these events. Please click this address,, for a link to those. Parish of the Holy Redeemer, Dundalk. Tel: 9334259. Fax: 9332905. email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Now on Facebook: search for Dundalk HRedeemer Youth
16th May 2010. Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Priests of the Parish: Fr. Padriag Keenan & Fr. Patrick Rushe. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to create a vibrant parish for the enrichment of all. Learning and communicating with each other and, energised by the Spirit of Pentecost, we will work to build a spiritual community and witness to Jesus Christ.
PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL The Parish Pastoral Council serves the needs of the Parish. We are indebted to all members who have faithfully served on our Parish Pastoral Council from 2006—2010. The election of a new Parish Pastoral Council must now take place. A letter has been forwarded to each home within our Parish, inviting you to nominate, from your area, two parishioners, who will serve on the Parish Pastoral Council commencing on 1st September 2010. N.B. All outgoing members are eligible for re-election with the exception of Tom Sheedy, (Ardee Road) John Coggans (Carrick Road) Eilish McNally (Beechmount Drive) Gerry Faulkner (Oakland Park) & May Grant (Cedarwood Park). Nomination Forms to be returned to the Parochial House or Sacristan of our Church by Sunday 23rd May 2010.
Deirdre Kerr Chairperson.
Nomination forms available in Sacristy.
Mass: Mon - Sat: 10.00am. Mass in Honour of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal on Mon at 7.30pm. CONFESSIONS: Sat: 6.45pm.- 7.15pm MASS TIMES: Sat: (vigil) 7.30pm. Sun: 10.00am. 11.30am. 12.30pm & 6.00pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament each Tues. in the Church after 10.00am Mass until 11.30am
Pentecost Sunday 23rd May A Healing Mass in association with Family of God Community will be celebrated in the Church of the Holy Redeemer at 6.00pm. The sacrament of the Anointing will be administrated after Mass.
St. Pio Triduum takes place in the Church of the Holy Redeemer on: Mon. 24th May: Mass 7.30pm. Tues. 25th May: Mass and Anointing of the Sick 7.30pm. Wed. 26th May: Mass & Benediction 7.30pm Rosary at 7.10pm & Blessing with relic after Mass each evening. All are welcome. St. Pio pray for us.
St. Brigid’s School. 40th Anniversary: 1970—2010. A Mass of thanksgiving will be celebrated on Friday 28th May at 11.00 am in the Church of the Holy Redeemer. Celebrant: Most Rev. Gerard Clifford DD. All parishioners & friends of the Parish of the Holy Redeemer & St. Brigid’s School are invited to the Mass.
Anniversary & Remembrance Masses in the Church of the Holy Redeemer Sat 15th May (vigil) 7.30am.Av. Frances McCrave. Sunday 16th May 10.00am. Av. Kevin & Ciaran McKeever. 11.30am. Av. Briege McHugh. 12.30pm. Av. Daniel Dawe & Mary Ellen Woolsey. 6.00pm. Av. Monday 17th May. 10.00am.Av. Seán McCartney. Novena. 7.30pm. Av. Dec. mem. Corcoran family. Tuesday 18th May. 10.00am. Av. Edward Galvin. Wednesday19th May. 10.00am.Av. Brigette Maguire. Thursday 20th May. 10.00am. Av. Thomas Mulligan. Friday 21st May 10.00am. Av. Mary Williams. Saturday 22nd May. 10.00am. Av. Saturday 22nd May (vigil) 7.30pm. Av. Patrick & Annie Malone & Dermot Murphy. Sunday 23rd May. 10.00am. Av. McKevitt family. 11.30am. MM. Paddy McCoy. 12.30pm. Av. Dec. mem McKeown family. 6.00pm. Av. Mary & Frank Donnelly & dec. family mem. MM. John Richie Short.
Viatores Christi Members of Viatores Christi will speak at all Masses next weekend on 22-23 May. What is Viatores Christi? Viatores Christi, Catholic lay missionary development workers, was founded in 1960 and recruits, prepares and facilitates the placement of lay people who wish to serve in areas of need in Africa, Asia and South America.
We welcome into our community those recently baptised. Lucas Francis Conway-Hubble.
We remember those who have died: Karen Clarke, Willow Grove. Frank Thompson, Castletown Cottages. Seamus Mackin, Hillview. Brendan O’Shea, St. Nicholas Ave. Gretta McEnteggart, Fr. Murray Park. Catherine McKeown, Riverside Cr/Park Street. James Durnin, Cluan Enda. Brigid Ferrick, Ballinrobe. Essie McClernon, Hackballscross. May they rest in peace.
Armagh Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock on Sunday 30th May.
Parish Collections: 8th/9th May 2010 Envelopes: €1,230:00 Church: €1,568:00 Total: €2,798:00.
Family ResourceCentre Lotto. 10th May ‘10 Nos: 05– 10–19–21. One Jackpot Winner. Lotto Jackpot: €5,000:00 Parish Bingo on Monday at 8.30pm: Flyer:€2,820:00.
Little Flower Prayer Group: Wed at 11.00am
Catholic Newspapers on sale in the main porch of the Church.
‘Young People’ - ‘Walk by Faith’. Catholic Youth Knock Summer Festival of Prayer, Music, Reflection, Talks, Workshops & more from 25th—27th June. (strictly 18—35’s) Contact: 0949375035
St. Therese’s Special Olympic Club are having a ‘Fun Day’ on Saturday 22nd May from 2.00pm—5.00pm in the Redeemer Family Resource Centre to raise funds for five members of their club who are taking part in the Special Olympics Ireland, in Limerick in June.
All notices for inclusion in the Parish Bulletin should be typed or written and submitted to the Holy Redeemer Parochial Hse by 6.00pm of Tuesday each week.